The Game Boy of Isaac - Team Kirby Devlog

We are "Team Kirby" from Telecom Paris, and for our end-of-year project, we set out to write a game, inspired by The Binding of Isaac, for the original Game Boy.

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20 June 2020

Setting up Jekyll with Github Pages!

by ChatPion

Since I had trouble setting up this devlog, I’m leaving here some notes for my future self.

Project structure

Note: we chose to put the website in the master branch in the docs folder at the project root.


layout: default
title: Blog

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/devlog/2020/07/02/paf-the-end.html">PAF... It's The End!</a></h2>
       <p>It’s over. Today marks the last day of our end-of-year project for Télécom
Paris… and what a day (and, for part of our team, <em>night</em>) it was!</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/devlog/2020/07/02/to-c-or-not-to-c.html">PAF Postmortem: to C or not to C?</a></h2>
       <p><em>Note : this post was originally intended to be written shortly after the PAF ended, but its writing had been postponed several times due to life happening. I left the original date not to overshadow the last team blog post. Anyway, one month later (2020/08/09), here it is!</em></p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/devlog/2020/07/01/mapgen-part2.html">On Map Generation (part 2): integrating everything</a></h2>
       <p>The end is nigh and I did not sleep much last night, because I was too busy
integrating the entire map generation code to the main project. Fortunately, I
managed to do it, here it is in action:</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/monsters/2020/07/01/integrating-pineys-foes.html">Integrating Piney's Foes</a></h2>
       <p>AI development has reached a point where it could not continue without being integrated with the rest of the game.
And since integration was proclaimed main goal of the day by @yberreby, here goes!</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/devlog/2020/07/01/rusty-bit-manipulation.html">Packing maps with blood, sweat... and Rust :)</a></h2>
       <p>Time marches on relentlessly as the deadline draws closer, but between obscure
compiler errors, linker issues, and hard-to-integrate changes, there is light.
And by <em>light</em>, of course, I mean opportunities to write Rust code!
Introducing: <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">podpacker</code>, our map compression tool.</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/devlog/2020/06/29/clock-is-ticking.html">PAF Day 9: The Clock Is Ticking</a></h2>
       <p>Only three days left, it’s now <em>game jam time</em>. It <em>is</em> possible to make a
decent game in less than three days after all!</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/monsters/2020/06/29/making-pear-jaw-come-true.html">Making Pear Jaw come true</a></h2>
       <p>Following up on Ametheek’s introduction to the wonderful (well, no longer) world
of Piney and his foes, here is how far I got with implementing enemies.</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/graphics/2020/06/29/lore-and-first-enemies.html">Lore and first enemies</a></h2>
       <p>Let’s make a little detour into the lore of Piney’s world, and meet his first enemies!</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/devlog/2020/06/28/back-from-pains-perdus-hq.html">PAF Days 6, 7, 8: Back from Pains Perdus HQ</a></h2>
       <p>Before we dive into the technical side of things, and because what makes a
project is the team behind it, it is worth mentioning that the last few days
were a bit special. Until then, two-thirds of our six-person team had been
collaborating IRL in an Airbnb we rented specifically to work on this
project. Our goal of smoothening out the development process by providing an
enjoyable collaborative environment shared with some of our dear
competitors/friends from Team Rocket was achieved, but all good things must come
to an end, and on Friday, we said goodbye to what would henceforth be known as
Piney’s birthplace, and crawled back into the familiarity of our student
apartments as we mentally prepared for the last sprint to the Thursday

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/debug/2020/06/28/on-debugging.html">On Debugging</a></h2>
       <p>After fighting with my code for over <em>four hours</em>, lo and behold, I finally
managed to have functional collisions!</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/devlog/2020/06/25/halfway-through.html">PAF Day 5: Halfway through</a></h2>
       <p>Today we are exactly halfway through this project’s allocated time − time
really flies when you’re having fun! Anyway, here’s today’s program: struggling
with Jekyll, struggling with gbdk-2020, map generation, more character
movements, and graphics.</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/graphics/2020/06/25/some-explanation-on-graphics.html">Some explanations on graphics</a></h2>
       <p>Even though our project is based on <em>The Binding of Isaac</em>, we decided to create
our own visual identity, with an original main character.</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/devlog/2020/06/24/its-alive.html">PAF Day 4: IT'S ALIVE!</a></h2>
       <p>One of today’s major goals was to get a character moving on the screen with some
animations, and we are proud to say that this goal was achieved!</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/mapgen/2020/06/24/mapgen-part1.html">On Map Generation (part 1)</a></h2>
       <p>The replayability of roguelikes comes from one important factor: procedurally
generated maps. In <em>The Binding of Isaac</em>, maps are made up of connected rooms
and only the layout is randomly generated − the rooms being sampled from a set
of handmade rooms.</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/devlog/2020/06/23/inception-of-the-murderous-pineapple.html">PAF Day 3: The Inception of the Murderous Pineapple</a></h2>
       <p>Today, our team decided to <del>go rock climbing with Team Rocket</del> build on
yesterday’s creative momentum. Our efforts were focused on <strong>tooling</strong>,
<strong>character / weapon design</strong>, and <strong>maps</strong>. This last point is mostly the
result of <a href="">@ChatPion</a> and
<a href="">@RoussyE</a>’s efforts, and will be covered in an
upcoming blog post.</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/devlog/2020/06/22/a-foray-into-game-design.html">PAF Day 2: A Foray Into Game Design</a></h2>
       <p>Here be dr…, uh, I mean lots of learning.</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/setup/2020/06/22/on-git.html">Our workflow</a></h2>
       <p>This post is intended to lay out the fundamentals of our workflow, the reasoning
behind it, as well as to provide a refresher on git fundamentals.</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/setup/2020/06/20/setting-up-gh-pages.html">Setting up Jekyll with Github Pages!</a></h2>
       <p>Since I had trouble setting up this devlog, I’m leaving here some notes for my future self.</p>

       <h2><a href="/gboi-kirby/devlog/2020/06/19/hello-world.html">PAF Day 1: Hello world!</a></h2>
       <p>I hereby declare that this devlog is open! What is this devlog about? We, team
Kirby, are going to make a <em>The Binding of Isaac</em>-inspired game for the original
Game Boy and we will talk about our ideas, plans, difficulties and progress


This should be enough to setup a basic blog.

Note: the jekyll-asciidoc plugin does not work out of the box with github pages.

tags: jekyll - setup