Graphics #1- First look, pixels and stuff
Hi there,
I’m Pascal, pixel artist and dev for Team Rocket. These charming little posts will keep track of the visual content we’re creating over the two weeks of the project.
For this first post, I’ll show the work done on the first few sprites of the games and get a good preview of what we want it to look like. Also, some work was done in the way of giving our improvised studio some visual signature.
It turns out drawing with 3 colours and a canvas of 16 by 16 pixels is’nt that easy !
Here is the first look on our sobby little guy Isaac.
Isaac needed some ugly ennemies worth fighting, so there are some flies and bees ready to swarm up into Isaac’s nigthmares.
Just add some rocks, walls, doors, projecticles and basic interface and here is what the game will hopefully look like !
And to conclude, we are proud to introduce our new logo and its 2bits equivalent which will show up upon launching the game !