Day Summary
- 8h30-9h30: Meeting. Repartion of the team into groups.
- Game Design: Pascal, Thomas
- Level generation: Dorian, Mélissa
- Graphics: Virgile, Pascal
- Music: Dorian, Mélissa
- Software engineering: Jean-Marie, Thomas
- 9h30-11H30: Groups meeting
- Game Design: Decided what mobs we show and what bonus types to keep (auto consume items). New Logo!

- Level generation: Strating on a generation algorithm
- Graphics: Decided what to show in the window, background and sprites. We decided not to use fake 3D.
- Music: Choose a theme song
- Software engineering: First draft for the strucs off the main elements: entitys, Isaac, tears, …
- 14h - 17h: Meeting with everyone.
- Update the strucs to take into account the needs of other groups
- Clarification of some technical points (For instance, we will mostly work inside the VBlanck interruption, with the screen updates at the beginning)
- Estimation of the memory consomation of each groups
- Concerns about the speed of the collision function
- next milestone: prototype of the game
- Isaac, in a room, with rocks and collision
- Isaac can shoot tears
- Generation of a level (not displayed, just tested by inspecting the memory)
- A little music
- Comming soon:
- Instance of documentation
- Collision function
- Proposition for the implementation of animation:
- Array: Current frame represented by the id of the array and the index. Check the lenght of the array to know when to loop.
- Graph: Current frame represented by address of the node. A node contains the sprites and the address of the next node.